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Workshop on Vulture Conservation & Awareness

Date : 03-09-2014

In collaboration with Lucknow University a workshop on Vulture Conservation & Awareness was organised at Forest Department head quarters on September 03, 2014.

The participants included Forest Department officers and staff, faculty of the Zoology Department of the Lucknow University, representatives of NGO's including Katerniaghat Foundational and citizens from a variety of walks of life.

The workshop was chaired by PCCF Wildlife U.P.

The speakers included Mrs. Eva Sharma, CCF Lucknow, Dr. Ashish Kumar, Assistant Professor, Dr. Amita Kannaujia, Associate Professor, Dr. Sonika Kushwaha of Lucknow University, Mrs. Pratibha Singh of Biodiversity Board and Mr. Suresh Chaudhary of Katerniaghat Foundation.

A variety of issues related to vulture conservation were discussed at length. A lot of extension material was distributed to field staff with request that the material may be distributed amongst medical vendors, villagers etc. to educate them and promote the cause of vulture conservation. The officers were instructed to prevent use of banned medicine Diclofenac, which is major cause of population decline of vulture. Decision was taken to have a focused approach to conservation. Certain target areas were selected where the program will be pursued in a highly focused manner. In these areas all medical stores, administrators, police, general public, villagers etc. will be told about the importance of vulture conservation.